I'm currently renovating my website… please be patient…
chiang mai
chiang mai

Location indipendent SEO… in Thailand.

chiang mai

Location indipendent SEO… in Thailand.

Chiang Mai, Thailand


I left Sydney the 4th of February and I landed the 5th in Phuket, Thailand. I just stayed there a couple of days then I headed to Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand, the city which is supposed to be at the moment the headquarters of the Digital Nomads, those people that, thanks to the internet, can work from wherever they find a good connection.

Indeed Chiang Mai has plenty of cafés with an excellent Internet connection where these guys spend their days working on their businesses. They are not just web designers, web developers, bloggers, SEOs or online marketing experts. They are also entrepreneurs that are managing their business through the Internet.

I’m sure I’m going to learn a lots of things from these people.

Anyway the plan might be: going to Koh Samui and Koh Phanghan in March, then maybe back to Chiang Mai and then, after maybe a couple of tours in Cambodia and Vietnam, I will go back to Italy in May, trying to base my business there or maybe in Malta, who knows…

I’ll let you know…


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